Corporate social responsibility
Students Training and Job Placement “Lazos” Program
Grupo Veraz has started a working relationship in 2019 with Asociación Conciencia, through which it has implemented the “Lazos” (Ties) Program in the Patagonian cities of Trelew and Rawson.
“Lazos” is targeted to develop comprehensive training in students in their last year of secondary education that allows them to move specifically towards a future job. Its implementation seeks to generate a revaluation impact of formal work as a decent and quality livelihood. The intention is that all participants could end the year with a professional project.
Grupo Veraz has developed during 2019 the Lazos Program for a total of 99 students, divided into 3 groups, belonging to Rawson Polytechnic School No. 702 and Trelew School of Professional Technical Education No. 748. The work methodology is based on the delivery of workshops in curricular spaces and the strengthening of professional practices in real work spaces.
At this moment, 75% of the workshops planned at Trelew School No. 748 and 25% at Rawson Polytechnic School 702 have been carried out. Since the first contact, the institutions and schools authorities have been enthusiastic about the program and showed proactivity in the work team.
At the same time, 7 students began, as of September 9, their professional practices at Bonasur S.A belonging to Grupo Veraz, in the specialties of: Electronics Technology, Industrial Processes Technology and Electromechanical Equipment Technician.
The dynamics proposed in the program are well received by students who mostly appreciate having a space to reflect on their future:
- Andrea, 6th year student of Trelew 748 School, says that “the program is very good. The biggest contribution I see is to guide us to see if what we are planning of doing after high school is what best fits our personalities; The vocational part of the workshop is the best and they provide a warm space to orient ourselves both professionally and academically. I find it super useful because it prepares you for the next stage. ”
- Grisel, head of professional practices of the same institution, highlights: “Lazos program approaches an interesting proposal that complements and articulates the institutionally actions. Guide and reinforce the choice and plans about the immediate future as young adults, both in their insertions in the workplace and in their formative choices. We are very grateful for being selected to access the proposal.”
We are satisfied! We see the program as a clear articulation opportunity to bring the company closer to the schools and students and we are now focused to implement an agreement with the government authorities to achieve greater institutionalization for the program in 2020.